Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Please Me Gungo Lovey P T Lambert March 10 2005


Ms strikes srezod all its annular kitchen of dadaism apse.
alumna cinerama canvasback king.
ash ash tray anmonia aviator in the furnace that adverse Ackley coroutine bull whips.

rfaga its evil fire caresses associable sigh celebrity ejrcito and the weingut plane of the nmero their mine knurd and the grapadora his curbside peace and gassing bunsen coincident the cardinal faucet Compton drive-in.

had with the britannica allentown the candle Angolan collegial beriberi abstinent bennington certifica brucelosis crump of corpus interprets confera

adores the concomitante brothel of the COBOL birth.
Bong their sex hsup and nodder close his elif with railing and the flesh color toiler covers rednef ms all with their bidirectional coma of chastity indicacin that barnabas brandish

the amoral belligerent university condemns the long walk biotic meat of carboxy asparragina Chester colocacin of the

adolescence I castrate the alphabet of Carol skillful alfabtico insult around downtown bridge Strikes srezod ms all their annular kitchen dadaism apse.
alumnae cinerama canvasback king.

in the ash tray of anmona the aviator of the future furnace that the adverse Shackler coroutine bull whips and mimes.

rfaga its annular kitchen of dadaism caresses associable sigh of the celebrity in outer ejrcito apse.

alumnae space command cinerama hypertext king canvasback ash whip.
ash tray anmonia aviator future furnace the adverse shackler of coroutine bull whip.

From rfaga its coma of chastity indicacin caresses associable sighs of the celebrity.
Sexejrcito barnabas bidirectional brandish the amoral belligerent university.

condemn the long walk biotic of the meat of carboxy when the asparragina Chester colocacin in adolescence I castrate the alphabet of Carol skillful mime teats

alfabtico of insult around rednef ms all of its annular kitchen of dadaism apse.
alumnae cinerama canvasback king.

In ash ash tray anmona aviator of the future weingut hypertext king he adverse shackler coroutine bullwhips mimes.

rfaga elif caresses associable sigh of the celebrities post-sex ejrcito his and her track
onto there backs bidirectional sex of nodder his bananas barnabas coma of chastity
indicacin brandish the amoral belligerent university condemns the alfabtica asparragina of

Chester of colocacin the long walk biotic meat of carboxy oh carboxy
I castrate love of the adolescence alphabet Carol skillful of mine love
the insult around explosin cntrica at the bridge rednef ms splash

all of its mine swum of hsup and the bidirectional grapadora his barnabas grapa
in the coma chastity corn indicacin brandish the amoral belligerent university condemns
the long walk behavior biotic arise meat of carboxy make the asparragina Chester

colocacin of the adolescence ranch hands I castrate the alphabet of carol
skillful alfabtico insult around srezod ms all of its coma chastity
mine all indicacin that bananas barnabas bidirectional brandish this amoral belligerent university

condemns the long walk loss biotic of the meat of carboxy gone forever
asparragina of Chester colocacin adolescence I castrate
the alphabet of Carol skillful alfabtico mime of the insult around rednef

ms all of his knurd mine of the grapadora its plane of hsup mine
all mine nmero its plane pencil ecil and the memo nmero its plane hsup
flowee nmero its flesh color hsup and toiler covers explosin

cntrica with the bridge rednef ms all of its track of bidirectional sex
eleven elif and nodder his bananas barnabas coma chastity
Please indicacin brandish the amoral belligerent university here

walk Wall Mar grocery store drink water pee infinity the srezod past
in aisle with two six shooters the street Russian chocolates

measure weight pile bag pac and gassing apron apposition
redwing her knurd and stapler back whole time benedictine coy

measures weighs piles bags cantilever celery sigh your ecil
so much redwing her so billiard cloud past your indication

after Bennett
How To Ammunition

Paul Lambert
March 10 '05

On Mar 10, 2005, at 5:59 AM, John M. Bennett wrote:

How To Ammunition

1) Bang the srezod past your furnace
2) Sigh your ecil and number
3) Flat your knurd and stapler
4) Mine your pac and gassing
5) Bong your hsup and nodder
6) Rail your elif and toiler
7) Drape the rednef past your indication

John M. Bennett